Centre Medical Abobo - Abidjan

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Nom de l'entreprise
Centre Medical Abobo
Abobo, 09 Bp 237 Abidjan 09, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
+225 24 39 01 71
+225 22 41 81 03
Activités d'affaires
Médecins et CliniquesClinique médicale
Centre Medical
Centre Medicale
Clinique Abobo
Clinique Sery D'abobo Abidjan
Grand Centre Medical De La Route D'akeikoi
À propos de
Centre Medical Abobo is a leading healthcare provider in the Ivory Coast. Offering comprehensive medical services to its patients, it has become one of the most trusted and respected healthcare facilities in the country. It offers a wide range of medical services, from preventive care to emergency services, and provides the best possible care for its patients. The staff is highly trained and experienced in the latest medical technologies and techniques, and is dedicated to providing excellent, personalized care to its patients. The centre has equipped itself with the latest medical instruments and equipment, and has a team of experienced and highly qualified doctors and nurses. Centre Medical Abobo strives to provide high-quality medical services at affordable prices, making it a top  
show_more choice among patients in the region. Ultimately, Centre Medical Abobo's mission is to provide quality healthcare to the people of the Ivory Coast and beyond.


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